Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Policy
Every person has intellectual property rights and MahaCareerMitra respects these rights of the users. The notices that are about any infringement on the MahaCareerMitra website will be always treated with priority. Here we are going to describe the steps that are followed by the MahaCareerMitra for any infringement activity.
Notification of Alleged Copyright Infringement:
The people who think and have proof that MahaCareerMitra disobeyed the copyright, can notify us by sending the notice as per the below steps.
- The person who thinks whose work is compromised under the copyright act has to mention the article or image that is copied on MahaCareerMitra. If there is more than one article in copyright, then you should mention all of the copyright articles in the notice.
- In the notice, you need to mention the article and the path of the work that is compromised under the copyright act. And also specify what you want us to do, like remove the article or disable the access on MahaCareerMitra.
- In the notice, it is required that you provide us the contact information such as your Name, Address, Phone Number, or Address.
- In the notice, MahaCareerMitra needed a statement mentioning that all of the details in the notice were correct and any inaccuracy in the notice would lead to perjury.
- Do not forget to give your signature on the notice that you are going to send to MahaCareerMitra.
Submitting a Notification:
The persons who want to deliver the infringement notice to MahaCareerMitra can mainly us here-
Counter Notification:
The MahaCareerMitra supports counter notifications such as if an item or article is now withdrawn from the access of the user or has been removed, check the format below.
- The person should identify the item/article that is deleted from MahaCareerMitra or you are no longer able to access that item in the notice.
- The person is liable to state that the item or article was deleted as a mistake otherwise you have to bear the consequences of perjury.
- The notice that you are going to send us should have your contact details like the name of the organization/person, contact number, Email ID of the person, etc.
Submitting a Counter Notification:
The persons are welcome to submit the counter-notification on the MahaCareerMitra Email ID-
Repeat Infringers: The accounts of the user can be terminated in case they repeat the infringers.
Modification of Policy: It is the right of MahaCareerMitra to change the DMCA Policy at any time. The person who is accessing the MahaCareerMitra website agrees to the updated DMCA policy.
Contact Information: All of the people who have any suggestions or doubts about the MahaCareerMitra DMCA Policy can contact us at the below Email ID.